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Happy First Wedding Anniv!

Happy 1st wedding anniversary, baby! Now that we're 3, I wish for more joy, blessings, and memories in our little family years ahead. 

Arkha & Mama love Papa.

Note: This pic was took in Bandung on our baby holiday at 4 am. Sleep tight, love!


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Life in 2015

Hi bloggy. Today's December 4th. Gak kerasa ya, dari weekdays tiba-tiba udah weekend, dari weekend ke weekend tiba-tiba udah ganti bulan, eh tiba-tiba udah mau akhir tahun. 

Tiba-tiba udah mau 2016.

2015 has been a year of change for me. Mulai dari pindah 'jurusan kerjaan' dari produksi ke marketing, pindah status dari tunggal putri jadi ganda campuran, pindah rumah dari Ciledug ke Cibubur, trus pindah juga status dari single ke someone's wife jadi soon mom-to-be.

What a year.

Ngeliat ke belakang lagi, sepertinya waktu berjalan dengan sangat sangat cepat. Hal-hal keribetan menjelang pernikahan, tiba-tiba jadi kenangan manis. Hal-hal yang dulu menghantui pikiran seakan gak akan pernah berakhir, eh ternyata kadaluwarsa juga tuh. 

Semua masalah besar atau kecil, eventually, shall pass. Nikmatilah. *ciye jurus bijaknya keluar*

2016 bakal jadi another adventurous year. Since my due date will be on June 29th, well... Kita lihat bakal jadi orang tua macam apa aku dan Akbar.


Life after married? 

So far so good. 

It's like you're having a 24/7 best-friend slash guardian slash partner in crime slash slapstick buddy slash f*ck buddy. And he's even there when you wake up or about to sleep. Asik banget kan? Hahahaa!

Being a prego mom?

Well, I'm not denying. It's scary, even now in my 15 weeks. Like, I don't know what am I going to do, to say as a mom. Am I good enough? Am I wise enough?

Tapi Allah gak mungkin menitipkan this little bundle of joy, secepat ini, kalo gak ada maksudnya kan? 

Bukannya udah siap, tapi mungkin harus dipersiapkan sedini mungkin. Well, semangat bumil! 

Tapi, satu hal yg aku rasakan sejak hamil. Kurang piknik! 😭

Yaudah, nanti ya, nak. Bareng kamu dan papa. Mungkin kalo udah lahir, atau mungkin kamu 5-6 bulan. Amin.

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Yogyakarta's Must Try Foods

It's been more than a year since updating the blog. Lot things happened, of course. And it's 3 weeks to the day I convert my last name to Subekti.

Well, practically we're Indonesians don't change our last name, but still my nickname will automatically change to Ibu Akbar in our neighbourhood. Lol.

Last weekend, I'm going to Yogyakarta for two days. For medical reason actually. But that's not what I'm gonna say this time. And I'm supposed to go with my mom, but in the last minutes my old-man got sick, so she decided to stay. And there I was solo traveling to Yogyakarta.

And Yogyakarta on August...is crowded, man! Seriously. Good thing is I don't go to the temples, beaches, kraton, or else like Goa Pindul and others 'hipster'-not-so-hipster places. It must be packed out there.

Actually, at the first time I feel like staying in the hotel for the whole time, but while re-think of it, why not a random trip? I've rented a car, with a driver. And it's even more pricey than the hotel. So, with a little research and nostalgic memory... Here I go!

First place: JEJAMURAN
For those whose a vegetarian, this is the right place. Because, like its name, their 90% of menu consists of mushroom (or jamur in Bahasa) as their main ingredient. Not the magic one (duh!) and it's super great! A taste of Indonesia and it's even organic! Yum! And the price is from about Rp 10,000 to Rp 20,000 (less than 1-2 dollars) per menu. I know, right?!

Caption: I ordered Sate Jamur and Tongseng Jamur with Lime Squash. Totally recommended. And it went straight to the tummy!

Second Place: Ullen Sentalu
It's not the newest place at all. But if you're a museum or culture-trip person, than this is your place. It's actually a private museum. For about 1 hour you'll be showed and told about the entire Central Javanese royal history. But you have to pay Rp 30,000 (less than 3 dollars) for the entrance fee, and it's include Wedang Ratu Mas (it's a royal drink and it's believe to make you forever young.) Totally worth it!

And the view! I don't know what to call it. It's ancient, modern, vintage, and edgy all at the same time. You are prohibited to take pictures in most of the area, but the tour guide will tell you when you could stick out the camera. 

My favourite place: The restaurant. Still can't forget the aura. And you should go there by the afternoon 3-5 pm (the museum close by 4 pm, but the resto is open till night) I think it's the best time since you could see the sunset and it all turned golden-ish. Beautiful! And don't forget to visit the souvenir shop. There are some beautiful Batik clothes you won't see in anywhere else. The price: Rp 300,000 - Rp 1,000,000 (less than 30-100 dollars), and it's super edgy and super gorgeous!

Caption: I ordered Nachos and Panna Cotta. Heaven!

It is the sweetest, quickest random trip I've ever had in Yogyakarta. For those who happened to have a solo trip, and don't know where to go... Or even a first-timer to Indonesia (or Yogyakarta) who wants to try some Indonesian local delicacies. Try to google this...
- Mie Kadin (Javanese noodles with yummy chicken broth)
- Bakpia Kurnia Sari (Yogyakarta special cake-like, try cheese or green tea one)
- Gudeg Yu Djum Pusat Selokan Mataram (it's not valid to visit Yogyakarta before you try this.)

Totally worth it!

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Yesterday, I was turning 26.
Exactly, 26 years old.

Jujur, sebenernya setengah gak percaya, setengahnya lagi agak menyangkal. Hahaha.
Twenty-six is a lil bit late twenties, right.

To be exactly, 26 of my existence life I feel like I haven't done anything yet. But if I must say, Alhamdulillah ya Rabb, I've been blessed no matter what. Have a wonderful boyfriend, to love and to be loved, have a so-much-better job, working our ass off reaching our goal to have our little dream house. And to be honest, even in my dream I couldn't imagine life could be this great.

Dan belum berhenti sampai di situ.

Daya imajinasiku yang cukup pas-pasan ini sebenarnya tidak pernah menuntut apapun. Maka waktu hari itu terjadi, I didn't expect anything. As simple as I could spend our quality time together. That's it.

And then there he was...
Sitting in front of me and made me close my eyes.
And then he took it out. And I opened my eyes...
(Gosh, I still can't help my heart when writing this)

And he said it.
The magic words.

I guessed I was flying over the moon.

If i didn’t have you then what will become of me ?
If i had never have you girl, how would my life be
Would i be the same? If i’d be loving another name
Would i stay untamed? Would there be any aim?
So whom i will be
                                                    -Daniel Sahuleka-

A word I never thought of before.
And it's before my eyes now.


Who knows a little rock could make a girl so happy.

With Love,
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New School

Welcoming my new school. Bismillah.
Wait for the updates.


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A Goodbye

Just wanna update an important step of my carreer life. Pretty much since 3 years I've been in a same company, doing the same thing, deal with the same person. And, one phone call a week ago changed everything.

I never been offered something important, particularly a job. Even from small company. That day, with their biggest name in TV & movie industry, they called me to offer something I can't resist. Because that's what I really wanted from a year ago. Yes, dreams do come true.

I said yes. But right in the moment, I felt scared, doubt, sad, and everything. But still, I said yes.

Then I remembered all of my friends I have here in my old office. Their gags, jokes, dirty jokes, goofiness, clumsiness, randomness, friendships. Irreplaceable. They probably think it's easy for me to leave. They just don't know. I will miss all of this. :(

So here I am, trying to make great memories in a month. So when I leave, they only remember good ones of mine. I remembered everyone's birthday and make a sweet surprise plan to them, because when my birthday comes in the end of September, I won't be here anymore. And probably my new friends haven't known it yet. So yeah, I feel like I'm dying, but the thing is, it feels pretty much the same.

Some peoples say "work-universe is cruel, you won't get any true friends or nice bosses at the office." Wrong. I had one.

Viva forever, RT Podjok. We'll meet again, sure. Trust yourself. You are all worthy, even if those-sucks-HRD-guys didn't say so.



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Love Letter #1

Dear my future kids,

Hi, kiddos. Today is 1 day after international mom's day. I will be 26 this year, and no, I haven't married yet. So it's still kinda long way to go before I have you.

I know being mom is quite something. Though I'm sure I'll do it my best, still I know at some point I will let you down, disappointed you. I guess make everyone happy is impossible, right?

But, let me promise you something in the middle of the night, 12th of may, 2014. Someday, when I have you, I will make sure of me to try my very best to bring your very best out. And I swear not to make you feel, even little, less loved by me. Because when I do have you, I will love love love you. Very much.

So, I guess, until we meet then.

With Love,
Your Future-Mom

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This Phase

You'll know you're gonna pass the 'single-phase' in an exact second online stores don't have any of your interest anymore, cute shoes lose their flirting-side, branded bags even don't seem like important anymore. 

And you're interested more in financial management issues, house interior designs, furnitures & home-appliances seem more appealing, or instead of going to the Cinema 21, you prefer going to Ace Hardware or Informa.

And those 'sacrifices' you're doing, you're doing it with pleasures.

Well, I'm not trying to generalizing others.
But, that phase of my life is happening right now.

God, guide us. Be brave.
Neysa Rismalina
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When A Thing Leads to Another

People said a picture could pictured many things inside.

These are few of much memories that left behind in Bali. And they will always remind me of stepping stones Allah gave to me. Even in my wildest dream, I never thought I could experience something like this.


Neysa Rismalina
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Rezeki Bukan Putri....yang Bisa Tertukar


Awal 2014 (sampai dengan April) dalam hidup gue, mungkin jika dibandingkan dengan timeline kehidupan di bumi, mirip dengan 'Dark Ages' alias 'Masa-masa Kegelapan'. Mungkin isi otak gue ibarat European culture yang lagi stagnan dan kehilangan kreativitasnya. Entahlah. Kelam aja gitu.

Beberapa minggu yang lalu, gue terpaksa (dipaksa) bedrest sama dokter. Alasannya agak memalukan sebetulnya... Katanya fisik gue menunjukkan gejala depresi. Men, gue tuh terlihat seperti selemah-lemahnya manusia, tau ga sih. Hahaha.

Anyway, tapi setelah diteliti. Well, gue tau sebabnya. Apalagi kalo bukan masalah pekerjaan. Mulai dari workload segunung, dengan kurangnya SDM, sampe THE F* DRAMA. (sorry for the words, I just can't help it, lol.)

Berawal dari sini, berujung ke dompet. Well, jujur aja gue merasa pekerjaan ini sudah menyita waktu gue, kehidupan sosial gue, emosi dan segala perasaan gue, dan sekarang berujung di fisik gue. Menurut gue, ketika lo harus 'mengorbankan' kehidupan pribadi lo untuk pekerjaan, it's not healthy anymore, guys.

That's why gue mulai merasa gak worth it. Terutama drama & politiknya sih, hahaha. Gue pun yakin, di setiap kantor pasti ada begininya. Tapi yang gue gak yakin adalah apakah dramanya segininya juga. Well... Secara ini kantor pertama sejak kelulusan gue.

Gue pun mulai mencari 'sampingan'. Sebenarnya, alasan pertama bukan karena duitnya (walaupun itu penting banget juga, hahaha), tapi yang paling penting adalah 'sampingan' gue as a photographer ini is my new getaway. Dimana di satu sisi, fotografi adalah obat waras gue, dan sisi lain gue bisa nambah pengalaman dengan dibayar. What else could be more fun than that?

Well, sampailah pada minggu ini gue dapet job ke Bali dari salah satu teman gue yang sekarang kerja di salah satu TV internasional yang ada di Jakarta. Gue di-hire jadi event photographer-nya. 

Seneng lah. Ke Bali, gratis, mewah, dibayar lagi. Alhamdulillah...

Tapi bukan itu intinya. 

Di satu sore ini, di sela-sela pemotretan, gue sama si teman gue ini tetiba kelaperan. Setelah mengikuti keinginan dia yang mau ke Domino's, berangkatlah kita...

Tapi waktu sampe di sana, randomly gue ngeliat Burger King dan jadi pengen beli. Akhirnya gue dan teman gue ini pun belok arah. 

Gak disangka, di dalem Burger King ada yang manggil gue...

"Neysa, ya? Inget gue ga? Zia.."

Gosh. Zia ini adalah teman SMA gue yang gak pernah gue liat atau kedengeran lagi kabarnya SEJAK lulus SMA. Gokil ga tuh? 

Ternyata doi jadi store manager di situ. Gokil ya... Gue pun amazed atas prestasi dia, yang udah jadi manager di umur gue gini, yang mana gue masih jadi cungpret. Anyway, tau dia jawab apa?

"Duh gue malah ngiri sama lo, fotografer udah bisa keliling Bali gratis, nginep di hotel mewah segala.. Gue cuma begini."

DEG. Gue merasa gue gak bersyukur.

I believe every-single-thing is happened for reasons. Dan menurut gue, pertemuan macam ini, terlalu aneh untuk disebut sebagai 'coincidence'. Ya gak sih? 

Allah listened every-single-word you say in your pray. Dan dia menjawab semua gejala depresi, kegelisahan, kesedihan, keputus-asaan gue ini with a little 'coincidence' sweet meeting and a simple line from a very old friend.

Bahwa manusia itu, selalu merasa dirinya paling menderita. Dan mereka sendiri yang membuat diri mereka sendiri tidak bahagia.

Dan bahwa, rezeki itu tidak akan pernah bisa tertukar. Bagaimanapun caranya.

"Ya Allah, jika rezekiku masih di langit, turunkanlah. Dan jika  di dalam bumi, keluarkanlah. Jika sukar, permudahkanlah. Jika haram, sucikanlah. Dan jika jauh, dekatkanlah."

Keep the faith,

(my gigantic room in Bali, and it's free.)
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Don't Lose Faith Yet

Ngerti banget sih, di dunia ini nggak ada yang namanya kebetulan. And I believe, Allah SWT had a greater plan for me. 

Ada banyak hal yang terjadi recently. Till I find myself this morning, wondering... Allah sayang banget sama saya. Hal-hal yang selama ini menjadi ketakutan saya, dibuktikan oleh-Nya with a simple, "you don't have to worry, anymore..."

Bahkan ketika saya alpha.

Tapi namanya manusia... 

"What if" itu racun. Barusan iseng browsing facebook dan menemukan teman-teman zaman kuliah dan SMA. Wow! Facebook itu bukti nyata how life could change us. Mulai dari yang menikah, punya anak yang lucu-lucu, sampai nerusin kuliah di luar negeri dan punya pacar bule, atau yang ikut suaminya ke luar negeri dan berkarier di sana.

Padahal dulu sekolahnya bareng lho...

Ngiri banget.

Mengingatkan mimpi-mimpi besar yang dulu pernah saya punya juga. 


Allah memang sayang banget sama saya. Hal-hal yang selama ini menjadi ketakutan saya, dibuktikan oleh-Nya with a simple, "you don't have to worry, anymore..."

Dia tidak memberi apa yang saya ingin. Tapi secara nggak sadar, Dia memberi apa yang saya minta. Hal-hal yang jika sekarang saya pikir dengan logika... Nggak mungkin banget. Even in my biggest and surreal dreams. Sekarang beneran jadi kenyataan.

Allah memang sayang banget sama saya. Dia mengganti pengalaman yang ingin saya dapatkan dengan pengalaman lain yang nggak kalah hebatnya. Or I believe it so...

"Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience." -Paulo Coelho-

Don't lose faith yet,

One fine morning at Grand Palace.
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Alhamdulillah... Bismillah.

Setelah lama nggak ngepost, sebenernya aku nggak tau harus mulai dari mana. But at this point, I feel like God really hears all of my prayers. And, I mean all of them.

Thank God for all the pains, failures, and downs. Because I realized that there's greater God above those. Percayalah, Allah itu ada. Dia mendengar. Every little single thing.

Keep the faith, and make it bigger.


P.s: I can't say a lot yet, but this is a lil teaser. It's ours. :)

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girls can dream

Really, sir?
In the middle of my craziness into you, is it really really necessary to wear that hot 3/4 sleeves baseball shirt today (or yesterday)?! And made my day heavenly. :P


So, this guy I always mention in the blog is just another iseng-iseng kok. Buat yang kemarin repot-repot nanya lewat LINE. No no no.  For going further is a big NO. Tapi lumayan lah kalo buat lucu-lucuan, biar ada yang seger-seger manis lewat di depan mata tiap hari aja. Hahaha. Gimana sih, kayak zaman SMA, pernah nggak sih ngecengin cowok satu buat barengan? Nah, bedanya ini buat sendiri. :P

Why? Why not?

Karena dia berbahaya.
*ahee bahasa guee...*

Tapi emang orangnya good looking, pintar, charming because of his passion. Tipe-tipe clumsy, tapi kalo udah in his thing jadi detail dan serius luar biasa. I adore those attitudes.

Girls can dream, right.

Good night, fellas!
I'm giving you bonus...

Mas Jake Gyllenhaal kesayangan akuh pake kacamata.
Sumber: Google.com


Ps. Oh iya, nggak sengaja nemu blog ini. Buat yang suka cowok-cowok nerd boleh dibuka. :P
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mister navy shirt and geek look with super cute haircut

Hi mister... Yea you, mr. looking-good-with-those-nerd-attributes! ;P

And so, there was me at the parking lot, lagi ngantuk-ngantuknya, dan tampang seada-adanya lengkap dengan bad hair day, dengan 'Wednesday Slow Machine' di salah satu radio jadi soundtracknya, siap-siap mau pulang. Baru jalan beberapa meter, and there he was. Walking on the street looking good.

"Heei mas... Pulang duluan yaa.." Dengan suara serak-serak seksi mirip-mirip Raisa, dan angin membelai-belai rambut dengan gerakan slow motion. Looking cool, and dressed well (semacam pake casual/cocktail dress).
Dia yang berjalan menunduk, kepalanya terangkat, kemudian sambil tersenyum dengan mata teduh di balik kacamatanya, "Eh, Neysa.. Iya hati-hati yaa... Love you!" With a little blow kiss. Still slow motion.
"Iyaa... Love you too..." me answered him with another little blow kiss.

Kemudian, bunga-bunga dan dedaunan berjatuhan, dengan latar belakang sunset.

"Mas *****! Pulang!" Saking nervousnya, yang keluar malah teriak. Rada ambigu antara ngasih kabar atau nodong. Angin sialan itu dengan hebatnya nambah-nambahin bikin poni keramat jadi belah tengah. Niatnya sih sambil ngasih klakson-klakson centil yang cuma *tin!*, tapi karena nervous jadi agak sedikit lebih panjang. Oke, agak panjangan. Plus dadah-dadah penuh semangat. Wearing those cargo and tee with a 'WTF' letters on it, looking far from womanly.
Antara jantungan dan takut ditodong, dia cuma senyum kaget sambil dadah balik, "yaa..."

Dan, nggak ada blow kisses, slow motions, atau daun/bunga berjatuhan. *yaiyalah menurut lo, dengan penampakan gue yang belah tengah aduhai ini dan mata-panda-muka-seada-adanya, dengan style preman palmerah masih bisa dramatis? Udah bagus yang ditegor nggak stroke mendadak.*

Benar kata orang,
"Expectation is the root of all heartache."

Ps. He looked sharp and charming, by the way. Nice effort, sir, nice effort.


Dear God, do You mind if I have one like this? Please... ;P


*Sumber foto: Google.com
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