Posting Kangen

O' well, seems like years since the last post, padahal belum juga sebulan kayaknya. Maaf jadi agak tersendat gini mo blogging di rumah, entah modem error, wifi routernya error, ip address yang clash, sampe karena telat bayar. But hey, the good side of it is i learned some IT problems. YEA!

Some updates of my life:
  • YES i'm in Jakarta right now. And don't know when to come back to Bandung.
  • We had first, second, third (and so on) fight, like the other normal couples. And it made us feel stronger (at least that's what i feel)
  • My sacred 'T' is still not going anywhere, thanks to speedy.
  • Tomorrow is a big day, cause i've got my first "teeth surgery".
  • My family still abnormal and absurd nowadays. Insane, to be exactly.
  • Rangers has come back.
  • And, i love him more than ever before.

Intinya di poin terakhir sebenernya. You know, it feels really great when you have a place to go, place to lay onto, place to rest and have a peaceful life together, share all your problems. Share your life.

Sebenernya, menurutku itu intinya, when you have an intimate relationship with someone. Kayak apa yang dibilang Nagita Slavina sama Afghan, "yang ku tahu cinta itu indah." Even, ketika berantem. Ah indahnya saat-saat berbaikan itu, jadi makin manja. Hihihihi.

Makanya sekarang aku merasa bersyukur sekarang, apalagi mengingat track record-ku yang kurang baik in a relationship, sekarang tuh nyamaaan banget. Kata orang, perempuan itu lebih baik baik dicintai daripada mencintai. And i feel so lucky could feel both of them, to love and to be loved.

Bahkan dulu pun aku udah bersyukur punya dia sebagai sahabat yang care, yang penyayang. Eh malah sekarang jadi pacar. Alhamdulillah. I've never felt greater than this.

Hei, kita udah mau 3 bulan, yihiiy! Semoga aku tambah dewasa, tambah sabar, dan kurang cueknya. Amiiinn.

Sebagai penutup, i show you this photo...

Aku inget banget, foto ini diambil waktu kita masih jadi sahabat (sekarang pun masih), aku bilang sama salah satu sahabatku yang lain, "Co, tolong fotoin kita dong!" Trus dia akhirnya ngefotoin kita berdua, dan kemudian bilang, "wah parah! Kayak pacaran aja lo berdua." FYI, waktu foto itu emang aku entah kenapa ngerasa sayang banget sama dia (yang ku pikir hanya sebatas kapasitas seorang sahabat), dan ternyata auranya terpancar. :)

So, here it is...


P.s: i really miss you recently. But hey, i've never felt not-so-missing you either, so... Well, i think i just get used to it.


dswrikandi | June 23, 2010 at 9:44 AM

realllyyyyyyyyyyy happy to see you're happy, Ney. yang langgeng ya, Ney. ammiinnn....

well, sometimes I missed those moments a lot; love and to be loved. but maybe Cupids are quite busy now. either sharpening their arrows or having a relationship with another Cupid. no wonder If they're forgetting me.

#malahcurcol :))

neycit | June 23, 2010 at 11:30 AM

don't worry mba, it's just a matter of time. Mr. Right will come to your door at the right time. Pria baik-baik untuk perempuan baik-baik. :)


Anonymous | July 7, 2010 at 8:09 PM

I like this post Ney. Aduh maap komentar melulu :p

neycit | July 16, 2010 at 11:16 AM

ihihihi makasi yaa...

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