girls can dream

Really, sir?
In the middle of my craziness into you, is it really really necessary to wear that hot 3/4 sleeves baseball shirt today (or yesterday)?! And made my day heavenly. :P


So, this guy I always mention in the blog is just another iseng-iseng kok. Buat yang kemarin repot-repot nanya lewat LINE. No no no.  For going further is a big NO. Tapi lumayan lah kalo buat lucu-lucuan, biar ada yang seger-seger manis lewat di depan mata tiap hari aja. Hahaha. Gimana sih, kayak zaman SMA, pernah nggak sih ngecengin cowok satu buat barengan? Nah, bedanya ini buat sendiri. :P

Why? Why not?

Karena dia berbahaya.
*ahee bahasa guee...*

Tapi emang orangnya good looking, pintar, charming because of his passion. Tipe-tipe clumsy, tapi kalo udah in his thing jadi detail dan serius luar biasa. I adore those attitudes.

Girls can dream, right.

Good night, fellas!
I'm giving you bonus...

Mas Jake Gyllenhaal kesayangan akuh pake kacamata.


Ps. Oh iya, nggak sengaja nemu blog ini. Buat yang suka cowok-cowok nerd boleh dibuka. :P


xsak | September 2, 2012 at 8:10 PM

fine fine fine...explain the dangerous part-nya aja ntar

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