Life in 2015
Yogyakarta's Must Try Foods
Exactly, 26 years old.
Jujur, sebenernya setengah gak percaya, setengahnya lagi agak menyangkal. Hahaha.
Twenty-six is a lil bit late twenties, right.
To be exactly, 26 of my existence life I feel like I haven't done anything yet. But if I must say, Alhamdulillah ya Rabb, I've been blessed no matter what. Have a wonderful boyfriend, to love and to be loved, have a so-much-better job, working our ass off reaching our goal to have our little dream house. And to be honest, even in my dream I couldn't imagine life could be this great.
Dan belum berhenti sampai di situ.
Daya imajinasiku yang cukup pas-pasan ini sebenarnya tidak pernah menuntut apapun. Maka waktu hari itu terjadi, I didn't expect anything. As simple as I could spend our quality time together. That's it.
And then there he was...
Sitting in front of me and made me close my eyes.
And then he took it out. And I opened my eyes...
(Gosh, I still can't help my heart when writing this)
And he said it.
The magic words.
I guessed I was flying over the moon.
If i didn’t have you then what will become of me ?
If i had never have you girl, how would my life be
Would i be the same? If i’d be loving another name
Would i stay untamed? Would there be any aim?
So whom i will be
-Daniel Sahuleka-
A word I never thought of before.
And it's before my eyes now.
Who knows a little rock could make a girl so happy. |
With Love,
A Goodbye
Just wanna update an important step of my carreer life. Pretty much since 3 years I've been in a same company, doing the same thing, deal with the same person. And, one phone call a week ago changed everything.
I never been offered something important, particularly a job. Even from small company. That day, with their biggest name in TV & movie industry, they called me to offer something I can't resist. Because that's what I really wanted from a year ago. Yes, dreams do come true.
I said yes. But right in the moment, I felt scared, doubt, sad, and everything. But still, I said yes.
Then I remembered all of my friends I have here in my old office. Their gags, jokes, dirty jokes, goofiness, clumsiness, randomness, friendships. Irreplaceable. They probably think it's easy for me to leave. They just don't know. I will miss all of this. :(
So here I am, trying to make great memories in a month. So when I leave, they only remember good ones of mine. I remembered everyone's birthday and make a sweet surprise plan to them, because when my birthday comes in the end of September, I won't be here anymore. And probably my new friends haven't known it yet. So yeah, I feel like I'm dying, but the thing is, it feels pretty much the same.
Some peoples say "work-universe is cruel, you won't get any true friends or nice bosses at the office." Wrong. I had one.
Viva forever, RT Podjok. We'll meet again, sure. Trust yourself. You are all worthy, even if those-sucks-HRD-guys didn't say so.
Love Letter #1
This Phase
When A Thing Leads to Another
Rezeki Bukan Putri....yang Bisa Tertukar
Don't Lose Faith Yet
Alhamdulillah... Bismillah.
girls can dream
In the middle of my craziness into you, is it really really necessary to wear that hot 3/4 sleeves baseball shirt today (or yesterday)?! And made my day heavenly. :P
So, this guy I always mention in the blog is just another iseng-iseng kok. Buat yang kemarin repot-repot nanya lewat LINE. No no no. For going further is a big NO. Tapi lumayan lah kalo buat lucu-lucuan, biar ada yang seger-seger manis lewat di depan mata tiap hari aja. Hahaha. Gimana sih, kayak zaman SMA, pernah nggak sih ngecengin cowok satu buat barengan? Nah, bedanya ini buat sendiri. :P
Why? Why not?
Karena dia berbahaya.
*ahee bahasa guee...*
Tapi emang orangnya good looking, pintar, charming because of his passion. Tipe-tipe clumsy, tapi kalo udah in his thing jadi detail dan serius luar biasa. I adore those attitudes.
Girls can dream, right.
Good night, fellas!
I'm giving you bonus...
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Mas Jake Gyllenhaal kesayangan akuh pake kacamata. |
Ps. Oh iya, nggak sengaja nemu blog ini. Buat yang suka cowok-cowok nerd boleh dibuka. :P
mister navy shirt and geek look with super cute haircut
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Hi mister... Yea you, mr. looking-good-with-those-nerd-attributes! ;P |
And so, there was me at the parking lot, lagi ngantuk-ngantuknya, dan tampang seada-adanya lengkap dengan bad hair day, dengan 'Wednesday Slow Machine' di salah satu radio jadi soundtracknya, siap-siap mau pulang. Baru jalan beberapa meter, and there he was. Walking on the street looking good.
"Heei mas... Pulang duluan yaa.." Dengan suara serak-serak seksi mirip-mirip Raisa, dan angin membelai-belai rambut dengan gerakan slow motion. Looking cool, and dressed well (semacam pake casual/cocktail dress).
Dia yang berjalan menunduk, kepalanya terangkat, kemudian sambil tersenyum dengan mata teduh di balik kacamatanya, "Eh, Neysa.. Iya hati-hati yaa... Love you!" With a little blow kiss. Still slow motion.
"Iyaa... Love you too..." me answered him with another little blow kiss.
Kemudian, bunga-bunga dan dedaunan berjatuhan, dengan latar belakang sunset.
"Mas *****! Pulang!" Saking nervousnya, yang keluar malah teriak. Rada ambigu antara ngasih kabar atau nodong. Angin sialan itu dengan hebatnya nambah-nambahin bikin poni keramat jadi belah tengah. Niatnya sih sambil ngasih klakson-klakson centil yang cuma *tin!*, tapi karena nervous jadi agak sedikit lebih panjang. Oke, agak panjangan. Plus dadah-dadah penuh semangat. Wearing those cargo and tee with a 'WTF' letters on it, looking far from womanly.
Antara jantungan dan takut ditodong, dia cuma senyum kaget sambil dadah balik, "yaa..."
Dan, nggak ada blow kisses, slow motions, atau daun/bunga berjatuhan. *yaiyalah menurut lo, dengan penampakan gue yang belah tengah aduhai ini dan mata-panda-muka-seada-adanya, dengan style preman palmerah masih bisa dramatis? Udah bagus yang ditegor nggak stroke mendadak.*
Benar kata orang,
"Expectation is the root of all heartache."
Ps. He looked sharp and charming, by the way. Nice effort, sir, nice effort.
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Dear God, do You mind if I have one like this? Please... ;P |
*Sumber foto: