click for bigger image. Last saturday was my parents' 25th silver wedding anniversary, syukur alhamdulillah bisa sampai di angka 25, big twenty-five. Honestly, I was freezed when it came to the speech, cause I sort of don't-enjoy-public-speaking kind of person, so I really don't know what to say. Then I ended up let the celebrity took his center-spot. And he did well, actually.
So, in this blog, I want to say this:
"Selamat ulang tahun pernikahan yang ke-25 buat papa mama, I know I'm way too far from perfection as a child and a person, and may be I don't deserve to make a wish for you guys, but, despite the fact that we're all human, you guys have been a perfect parents for me.
Buat papa, you've been my debate-partner since I don't know, the guitarist in the house (though we're all keep protesting, and complaining about the play), the tough one (cause you've never ever wanted your family knew about your pain and agony, instead you always show us that life is still beautiful with all of those), and to be the most honest person in the house. Who said you don't accept changes?! You're googling and texting now, isn't it? :D Great job, dad! And thank you for the life lessons.
Buat mama, ah mama... A lot to say, cause I have a super mom. Great singer, tailor, barber, handy(wo)man, you name it. The most creative person I've known. You've been my photoshop teacher, my life-teacher, my role-model, you always teach me that you could get thru against all of odds if you're willing to, even those 'walls'. Because of you, I believe superhuman really does exist.
For both of you, thank you for making me believe, that in this mad mad world, I found peace with you, I found miracle in yours, that love gave each of you a best friend for 25 years, and hope untill the next next next 25 years, endless. I hope that both of you will be there when I'm someone to make you say 'that's my daughter' and proud of it. Amin yaa robbal'alamiin."
Ah, selalu jadi sedih kalo inget ini.
Anywaaaay, waktu buka puasa kemarin, aku menanyakan pertanyaan yang harusnya ku tanyain pas syukuran kemarin.
(N): Apa bedanya 25 tahun yang lalu dengan sekarang?(P): Beda dalam segi apanya nih? Cinta?
*prikitiw bahasanya*(P): Dulu papa nonton berdua doang, sekarang berempat...
(M): Dulu papa romantis, sekarang papa ngomongnya 'lemu-lemu yo luwung' (baca: biar gendut-gendut juga lumayan) -_-'
*membela diri* Loh kan itu maksudnya biar mama nggak usah merubah diri, papa juga masih suka...
*ahiiy*(M): Dulu papa tuh cemburuan, apa-apa dicemburuin.
(N): Sekarang?
(M): Masih.
*aaaa*(P): Dulu papa suka bawain mama martabak, sengaja agak banyakan, kan papa tau mama makannya sedikit, nanti kan pas ga abis, mama jadi maksa papa makan jadi kesannya papa terpaksa gitu makannya heheheheh
*malah buka aib sendiri*(M): Iya kalo sekarang tanpa ba-bi-bu juga abis sendiri martabaknya.
(P): Kalo mama tuh aneh deh, dek. Dari dulu, kalo lagi jalan di luar gitu malah pengennya mesra-mesraan, kalo di rumah aja... malah nggak pernah mesra.
(M): Yaa biarin tho orang sama pacarnya sendiri.
(P): Yah kan malu diliat orang, sukanya gandengan. Kayak ABG.
*ngakak** adegan selanjutnya malah buka-bukaan aib waktu muda, untung nggak ditanya pas rame-rame kemaren. -____-'