Your Heart is Mine!

when I was child, I always wondered how it played.
who's the winner? why the hell did the smallest number win?
Damn, I wanna win this thing!

Minesweeper, Solitaire, Freecell, I got 'em all!
But, Heart? Never.

But, not until today...



P.s: have the same feeling? call me for the tricks. bhahaha!


Ian Rusli | October 7, 2010 at 7:57 PM

kalah kok diumbar-umbar mba.. Etdah.. Ahaha.
Itu bkanny permainan yg diajarin om Andit ya mba? *sotoy*

neycit | October 7, 2010 at 8:12 PM

yg angkanya paling dikit yg menang tau yaaan... tulisannya aja "Game Over -- You Win"

iya! kyk truf tp beda dikit, tp mainnya basicnya sama..

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